And me? I was too spineless to go visit her…afraid that she would see the horror in my eyes when I looked at her…afraid that I wouldn’t love her anymore because she was no longer beautiful. Friends had to drag me kicking and screaming to the hospital to see her. Yep, even in my worst nightmares, I can still manage to make it all about me.
But I did go to see her. She was having a tea party. Her spirit was completely unscathed. The Man and I immediately set to work contacting family and friends – not by phone, but by Pony Express. Our message: “We’d like to take this opportunity to let you know we love and care about you.”
Seriously, Mr. Sandman. Did I really need to see my daughter engulfed in flames to get the point? I got your reality check. I’m going back to bed now. I’d like to order a sweet dream to go, please.
It's Follow Friday - play along.

Hi, I found your great blog through FF. Now following! I just released my free report on how to help your blog grow as well if your interested.
Hope you get some sleep
What a beautiful little girl!
Happy FF! I am following you now.
Hope you come check out my blog at
Happy Friday Follow! I'm your newest follower! Stop by sometime and check out my great giveaways!
What a stunning child.
I've had a couple of nightmares lately and it is truly something I could do without!
I found you on Friday Follow and love that pic - that is some red, curly hair! I love it! I am now a follower and would love a follow back!!!
Cute Blog and little girl!!! I’m another new follower! Feel free to check out my blog as well!
Happy Friday Follow! Hope to Blog with you again soon!
Wow that is descriptive. What did you have to eat before bed? It is nice to see you part of Friday Follow! Have a wonderful weekend. Rita @ One 2 Try.
Hi..I’m Barb from Fri. Follow. I am your newest follower. I hope you will get a chance to visit my blog @
& get inspired by something for your family/home. I hope you will follow me as well.
you need to stop watching tv. that's all.
wow. That is a scarey dream! I hope you slept better after that.
your daughter is beautiful!
Hi -I'm a new follower of you from FF.Please follow me back - thanks.
For every follower that joins I will be releasing a Unicorn back into the wilds of the New Jersey boardwalk. So please do your part by joining and saving these special creatures. Thanks
Mr. Monkey
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