Friday, October 30, 2009

You Can Do This

My Dad dropped the cancer bomb on us this summer.  It's a big deal - but in ways different than you might think.  You see, my Dad can be a bit of a quitter.  He'll be 79 years old this December.  His own father died at the age of 72.  My Dad thinks he's been living on borrowed time ever since his 72nd birthday.  I'm told by those older and wiser than I, that this will make sense to me when [if] I outlive my parents.  As for now, it seems like pure nonsense.

When his cancer diagnosis came along...well, I was pretty angry.  I figured Dad would use it as an excuse to give up the ghost.  So, we're working hard to keep him upbeat and focused on the things that matter.  He started his radiation therapy last week.  The kids and I took advantage of a nice afternoon to put this message together for him.  I sure hope he gets the picture.  And if he doesn't...well...maybe somebody else will.


Lori P said...

What a great thing to do for your dad. And who better to deliver the message than two beautiful grandkids! :)

My dad was the same. When he was younger he always said that if he got the cancer diagnosis - ever - he'd rather commit suicide than endure what could be in store for him. He got the diagnosis, twice, and endured the treatments. It's amazing what a person is able to do once faced with the reality of life. One thing I've learned, to never say, "I could never do what you do." You end up finding strength you thought you never had!

All my best to your dad and his wonderful family.

Fern said...

Such a FUN idea! I hope "you can do this" gets in your dad's head through this - such a sweet way of saying it :) You're SO creative :) Ideally, it would be wonderful to see his cancer completely GONE & see him live to be 100! God can do anything, why not? :)